BKT Tires World Women's Curling Championship 2024
Sydney, NS, Canada
World Curling

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Stats -

Team     ↻ Player   Value↺ Player   Value   LSD Total 
Korea     KIM M 24.8 cmGIM E 27.3 cm 52.1 cm*
Denmark     LARSEN M 66.7 cmDUPONT M 32.5 cm 99.2 cm 


Team    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #
Time remaining
after last end
Korea32 87 %40 87 %72 87 %                     112:47
Denmark32 73 %40 84 %72 80 %                     113:38


TeamPosition     Player    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #  Total
Korea     SkipGIM Eunji     5 95 %13 88 %18 90 %
Denmark     SkipDUPONT Madeleine     5 50 %13 92 %18 81 %
Korea     Vice-SkipKIM Minji     5 80 %13 96 %18 92 %
Denmark     Vice-SkipHALSE Mathilde     4 69 %14 80 %18 78 %
Korea     SecondKIM Suji     8 94 %10 73 %18 82 %
Denmark     SecondLANDER Jasmin     9 67 %9 72 %18 69 %
Korea     LeadSEOL Yeeun     14 82 %4 88 %18 83 %
Denmark     LeadLARSEN My     14 88 %4100 %18 90 %
Korea     AlternateSEOL Yeji     0 - %0 - %0 - %
Denmark     AlternateDUPONT Denise     0 - %0 - %0 - %






Round Robin Standings

Team   Wins   Losses 
CAN11   1     Q
SUI10   2     Q
ITA10   2     Q
KOR10   2     Q
SWE7   5     Q
DEN6   6     Q
USA6   6    
SCO5   7    
NOR4   8    
TUR3   9    
JPN3   9    
EST2   10    
NZL1   11    



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