Pan Continental Curling Championships 2023
Kelowna, BC, Canada
   World Curling Federation, live scores by CURLIT Curling Information Technology Ltd.
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Stats: Women A-Division -

Team     ↻ Player   Value↺ Player   Value   LSD Total 
Mexico     MARTINEZ K 43.2 cmCAMARENA A 34.8 cm 78.0 cm 
Korea     KIM M 15.3 cmGIM E 11.6 cm 26.9 cm*


Team    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #
Mexico22 53 %26 53 %48 53 %
Korea34 78 %14 79 %48 78 %


TeamPosition     Player    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #  Total
Mexico     SkipCAMARENA Adriana     7 43 %5 55 %12 48 %
Korea     SkipGIM Eunji     10 75 %2 75 %12 75 %
Mexico     Vice-SkipQUINTERO Estefana     3 8 %9 61 %12 48 %
Korea     Vice-SkipKIM Minji     9 81 %3 92 %12 83 %
Mexico     SecondHUERTA Veronica     4 44 %8 38 %12 40 %
Korea     SecondSEOL Yeji     6 63 %6 71 %12 67 %
Mexico     LeadMARTINEZ Karla     8 84 %4 63 %12 77 %
Korea     LeadSEOL Yeeun     9 89 %3 83 %12 88 %
Mexico     Alternate-     0 - %0 - %0 - %
Korea     AlternateKIM Suji     0 - %0 - %0 - %






Round Robin Standings

Team   Wins   Losses 
A-Division Women   
KOR6   1     Q
JPN6   1     Q
USA6   1     Q
CAN4   3     Q
NZL2   5    
TPE2   5    
MEX1   6    
AUS1   6     >B
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