Stats: Men A-Division - Session 5

Team     ↻ Player   Value↺ Player   Value   LSD Total 
Canada     NICHOLS M 28.3 cmHARNDEN E 18.1 cm 46.4 cm*
Chinese Taipei     LIN TL 119.5 cmSHEN R 153.6 cm 273.1 cm 


Team    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #
Canada33 86 %15 88 %48 87 %
Chinese Taipei21 60 %27 54 %48 56 %


TeamPosition     Player    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #  Total
Canada     SkipGUSHUE Brad     8 94 %4 94 %12 94 %
Chinese Taipei     SkipSHEN Randolph     4 25 %8 56 %12 46 %
Canada     Vice-SkipNICHOLS Mark     7 86 %5 90 %12 88 %
Chinese Taipei     Vice-SkipWANG Nelson     2 75 %10 48 %12 52 %
Canada     SecondHARNDEN E.J.     7 82 %5 80 %12 81 %
Chinese Taipei     SecondLIU Brendon     4 63 %8 53 %12 56 %
Canada     LeadCOTTER Jim     1100 %1100 %2100 %
Chinese Taipei     LeadLIN Ting-Li     11 68 %1100 %12 71 %
Canada     AlternateWALKER Geoff     10 83 %0 - %10 83 %
Chinese Taipei     AlternateHSU Nicholas     0 - %0 - %0 - %


COTTER J replaced WALKER G at the beginning of end 6

